Our Belief
that the Bible, composed of the old and New Testament, is inspired of God and is of supreme and final authority in faith and life. __in the supernatural as the vital element in the revelation and operationof the Christian faith. __In one God eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. that Jesus Christ was beggotten of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, and that He is Ture God and True man, and is the only sufficient Mediator. __in the personality of Holy Spirit and the His Mystery is reveal Christ to men in the resenration and sanetification of their souls. __that man was created in the image of God, and that he sinned and thereby incurred spiritul death. __in the cicarious death of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sins, in the resurre- ction of His body, His ascension into Heaven, and his personal visible future return to the earth and that asivation is recieved only through personal faith in Him. __that baptism is immersion of a believer in Water in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, getting forth the essentila facts in redemption. __the death and resurrection of Christ; also essential facts in the experiance of the veliecer's death to sin and resurrection to Newness of life. __that the Lord's supper is a commemoration of the Lord's death until He comes. __that the new testement Church is a body of believers thus baptised by immersion. associated for worship and fellowship, actively and redemptively involved in its servant's role whereby it seeks to win the lost, bring Christ's healing to the brokenness of mankind to bind up the sores of its culture through evengelization, Christian education, world missions, and community concern as led by the Holy Spirit.
The History or Story Behind My Site
Depending on the topic of my site, I could include historical information about my subject. For example, if my site is about my business, I could discuss how my business got started. If my site is about a sports team, music group, movie star, or my family, I could chronologically list or summarize major events important to my topic.
My About page is also a great place to give information about others involved with my site’s topic, such as the leaders of my organization, club, or company; an ancestor; my family; and so forth.
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